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K-5 Resource Center Sel Cart |

Product Number: H2M95335
CAD $5,099.97
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 These one-of-a-kind, all-in-one stations include everything you need to create a space that’s dedicated to guiding discussion and prompting children to explore key social-emotional development topics such as self-regulation, empathy, and more. They feature a variety of unique manipulatives, books, and grade-appropriate Social-Emotional Task Cards. The materials are flexible so they can be used at center time, student self-serve time, during challenging times, and beyond. Fully assembled cart measures 40"L x 17"W x 62"H.


 These one-of-a-kind, all-in-one stations include everything you need to create a space that’s dedicated to guiding discussion and prompting children to explore key social-emotional development topics such as self-regulation, empathy, and more. They feature a variety of unique manipulatives, books, and grade-appropriate Social-Emotional Task Cards. The materials are flexible so they can be used at center time, student self-serve time, during challenging times, and beyond. Fully assembled cart measures 40"L x 17"W x 62"H.


Social-Emotional Task Cards cover 8 aspects of social-emotional development (emotions, self-regulation, kindness, growth mindset and goal setting, problem solving, mindfulness, diversity, and empathy).

Cards include different activities for individuals, pairs, or small groups.

All-in-one approach makes it easy to store, share, and manage materials so students can self-serve.

Covers grades PreK–5 and is perfect for use in a counselor’s office, library, or social-emotional center.

What’s Included:

1 Set of PreK-2 Social-Emotional Task Cards

1 Set of Grades 3-5 Social-Emotional Task Cards

4 Sets of grade-branded manipulatives

Books focused on social-emotional development

1 Resource station

4 - 1 lb of modeling clay

8 - 0.5 oz of stretchy putty

1 - 8 Pack of playfoam

2 Sets of four 2 oz dough

4 Packs of assorted construction paper

2 Packs of white construction paper

12 - 0.28 oz glue sticks


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