Prices are subject to change without notice. Due to economic uncertainty resulting from the tariff war involving the USA, you may be required to review, approve, and pay for any necessary price adjustments. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Prices are subject to change without notice. Due to economic uncertainty resulting from the tariff war involving the USA, you may be required to review, approve, and pay for any necessary price adjustments. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
This friendly community helper puppet helps teach about safety. Safe embroidered eyes, approx. 11". The puppet comfortably fits little or big hands. More multicultural characters available in this series.
This friendly community helper puppet helps teach about safety. Safe embroidered eyes, approx. 11". The puppet comfortably fits little or big hands. More multicultural characters available in this series.
This friendly community helper puppet helps teach about safety. Safe embroidered eyes, approx. 11". The puppet comfortably fits little or big hands. More multicultural characters available in this series.