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Rhyming Pebbles!

Product Number: YUS1102
CAD $42.97

This set of 16 visually appealing rhyming stones (eight rhyming pairs) provides a tactile way to explore common rhyming families and develop phonemic awareness. Suitable for use alongside our Find the Rhyme App, these stones are also a great learning tool in their own right. The set comes with two illustrated rhyming pebbles for each of the following families: -ag, -an, -ap, -at, -ing, -og, -ot and –ug. Plenty of opportunities for learning about sounds and rhymes. Pebbles measure 45mm and their engraved design will not fade over time. Safe for age 2+.


This set of 16 visually appealing rhyming stones (eight rhyming pairs) provides a tactile way to explore common rhyming families and develop phonemic awareness. Suitable for use alongside our Find the Rhyme App, these stones are also a great learning tool in their own right. The set comes with two illustrated rhyming pebbles for each of the following families: -ag, -an, -ap, -at, -ing, -og, -ot and –ug. Plenty of opportunities for learning about sounds and rhymes. Pebbles measure 45mm and their engraved design will not fade over time. Safe for age 2+.


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