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Letters & Sounds Phase 4 Set 1 Fiction - 6 Pack !

Product Number: JRLJL961
CAD $254.97
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Blend readers introduce 38 different adjacent consonants (blends). The text uses only decodable regular words (according to the week by week progression) along with 'tricky words'. Blend readers have a strictly controlled vocabulary that follows the letter-by-letter progression.

The set includes 6 x 12 fiction readers, each with colorful illustrations.





Book Band

Early 2 (Yellow)

Guided Reading Level

C - E

Reading Level

3 - 8

Sample Book


Blend readers introduce 38 different adjacent consonants (blends). The text uses only decodable regular words (according to the week by week progression) along with 'tricky words'. Blend readers have a strictly controlled vocabulary that follows the letter-by-letter progression.

The set includes 6 x 12 fiction readers, each with colorful illustrations.





Book Band

Early 2 (Yellow)

Guided Reading Level

C - E

Reading Level

3 - 8

Letter Sounds

Book # Book Title Letter Sounds
1 Camp at a Pond nd      mp      nt      nk
2 A Nest is Lost st        ft        lt
3 The Bedroom Helper sk       lp        lf       lk      pt      xt
4 Frog in a Tree tr         dr        gr      cr     fr
5 Blast Off! br        bl         fl       sl
6 Milk in a Glass gl
7 Clown Dents a Spoon pl        cl        sp       tw
8 Can You See the Stars? sw
9 Skunk Smells Bad sm       sc       sn        nch
10 Crunch, Munch! scr        shr     spr       str       thr
11 Spring Storms thr
12 Gretel and the Grunch Revision of all Phase 4 sounds

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