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Teacher Book Set 1 Fiction !

Product Number: JRLBB130
CAD $59.97
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To support the Beanstalk Book range of decodable readers, we offer a comprehensive Teacher Books. Teacher Book for Set 1 Fiction includes an overview of Letters & Sounds program; phonics scope and sequence, individual teacher lesson plans for each decodable reader in the set, photocopiable activity pages for each book, screening checks and assessment pages, and a high-frequency word bank.


To support the Beanstalk Book range of decodable readers, we offer a comprehensive Teacher Books. Teacher Book for Set 1 Fiction includes an overview of Letters & Sounds program; phonics scope and sequence, individual teacher lesson plans for each decodable reader in the set, photocopiable activity pages for each book, screening checks and assessment pages, and a high-frequency word bank.


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