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Prices are subject to change without notice. Due to economic uncertainty resulting from the tariff war involving the USA, you may be required to review, approve, and pay for any necessary price adjustments. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Base Ten Blocks provide students with fun, hands-on ways to learn place value, number concepts, operations, and measurement! Supports an individual student or small group. Place value is color coded for better understanding allowing students to clearly differentiate the values.
Master the fundamentals of place value and regrouping with this base ten set of units, rods, flats, cube and more
Unique colour-coded value
Plastic is durable and easy to clean
Adding and Subtracting - Developing the concept of addition and subtraction
Multiplication and Division - Developing the concept of multiplication and division
Number sense - Develop number concepts up to 10 and beyond
Place Value - Differentiate number values
Counting - Emphasise the relationship between groups of blocks
Decimals - Explore and develop decimal concepts, compare decimals, and perform basic operations with decimal numbers by letting the cube, flat, long, and unit represent 1, 0.1, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively.
Logical Thinking - Exploring problem solving and spatial reasoning
Base Ten Blocks provide students with fun, hands-on ways to learn place value, number concepts, operations, and measurement! Supports an individual student or small group. Place value is color coded for better understanding allowing students to clearly differentiate the values.